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Intuitively channeled high vibrational energy reading for clarity, self-awareness, and empowerment using a combination of the Tarot & Oracle cards filtered through the eyes of love.

Why Clarity + Self-Awareness?

  • Self-awareness allows one to navigate through life more consciously and intentionally through the power of the mind rather than cruising on autopilot.
  • Lack of self-awareness causes one to live in a “victimized” state of being rather than feeling “empowered” to create and achieve “the impossible.”
  • Through clarity, one is more likely to manifest a desired outcome and life.
  • Clarity & Self-Awareness are keys to inner-peace.

From Wounded to Empowered

  • Most adults are wounded children functioning on outdated ‘programs’ in ‘grown up’ bodies.
  • Most people assume their childhood traumas, anger & pain magically disappear as they become adults.
  • Unhealed wounds show up as repeated patterns in your life and personal relationships which are then passed down to the next generations to deal with (and struggle through if left unrealized.)
  • By doing the inner work and healing the self, you are cutting the unhealthy cords that keep you vibrating at a lower frequency that attracts less desired experiences.
  • Through healing and stepping into your power, you vibrate at a higher frequency attracting healthier relationships and more desired life experiences which become the blueprint for the next generations to take on (and enjoy!)